How to Properly Maintain Your Rotating Equipment

How to Properly Maintain Your Rotating Equipment

Have you been wondering how to extend the life of your rotating equipment? Properly maintaining rotating equipment such as motors, generators and centrifugal pumps is critical in keeping these resources running smoothly throughout their life span. 

If you’re looking for information on how to maintain your equipment, the Industrial Electrical team is here to provide rotating equipment maintenance tips, descriptions of common issues with rotary equipment, safety tips and more. We know your business production matters to you, and keeping your machines working correctly is integral to maintaining it. 

Review the following rotating equipment maintenance tips to make sure you’re keeping your machines at their best.

How to Properly Maintain Your Rotating Equipment

1. Keep Detailed Records

Record-keeping is the backbone of every industrial maintenance plan. Knowing what has been fixed, lubricated or otherwise cared for and when lets you plan and define a proper schedule for maintaining the machine and confirming that it performs as intended. Be sure to note the date the equipment is having work done, which tasks it takes to complete that work and the condition of the unit before and after the job.

With data analytics tools that help track the equipment’s performance and wear and tear, you can better prepare your maintenance scheduling. These software tools can help identify anomalies in your machines and forewarn you of pending issues so you can intervene and stave off the need for expensive repairs. Data analysis can also help you ensure that you’re using your equipment as efficiently as possible and keeping downtime to a minimum.

2. Perform Preventive Maintenance 

The task of properly maintaining your rotating equipment starts when it first enters the building. Begin by setting each unit up according to the owner’s manual, then testing it and getting a full diagnostic report on its performance — this is when you’ll make sure the data analytics software is set up and recording correctly. These initial measures can prevent many common issues with rotating equipment and allow you to get the most out of your investment. 

Staying on routine with preventive maintenance will ensure your machines continue to run correctly and lessen the chance of a costly issue. Consult the manual again to see if there are any recommendations for maintaining each specific piece of rotating equipment. Based on that information, establish a routine for lubrication, corrosion treatments, inspections and more. Those preventive measures will ensure that all your equipment is properly aligned and balanced. 

After your initial setup, be sure to stay on top of the analytics reports. When the machine is running normally, you want to watch those numbers so you have a solid baseline against which to measure any anomalies. Some programs can help you monitor the equipment through ultrasound analysis — if the vibration or ultrasound analysis data indicates an issue, you can halt operations and schedule an inspection to determine what’s going on before major damage occurs.

The effectiveness of preventive maintenance is at your fingertips. Even when everything is running as expected, you want to follow the prescribed maintenance routine to keep it that way so you can take advantage of the full service life of your investment. Good regular maintenance means performing daily, weekly and monthly tasks as recommended, including calibration checks, lubrication and general upkeep.

3. Consider the Equipment’s Surroundings

Even though the focus is mainly on the machines and keeping them in top shape, you can include aspects that will enhance the ease of performing inspections and maintenance to ensure these measures take place as planned. Inspect the facility for any structural issues, and keep the space around the equipment clean and organized to lessen the likelihood of any accidents or machine failures. A clean environment is critical when housing rotating equipment because this type runs at its best when free of dirt and grime. 

Performing a routine cleaning for your facility will yield numerous positives. While a clean environment is beneficial in keeping the rotary equipment itself running at its best, it will also help promote on-site safety and boost the reputation of your organization in the eyes of visitors like prospective clients. 

To make sure all cleaning and upkeep tasks are performed as expected, involve your entire team and implement measures that promote a culture of cleanliness. When you include the whole team, everyone feels like they are contributing to the well-being of their environment and the growth of the business. Establish set days for certain team members to clean specific areas of the building or particular equipment to keep the task manageable and distribute the work evenly.

4. Enforce Safety Measures

Any time someone is working with rotary equipment, whether running it or performing preventive maintenance, it’s paramount that they follow all prescribed safety practices. Safety measures, regulations and workplace guidelines are essential to ensure that operators can protect themselves and anyone else in the vicinity. Since rotary equipment often involves movement at a high rate of speed, it’s especially important that all employees have the proper education on how to use these machines safely. 

Make sure you have your employees trained by professionals on each rotary machine you use in addition to providing general instruction on workplace safety. It’s also wise to implement a few measures to ensure your team members retain the information, such as having personnel undergo periodic evaluations to determine whether they know and follow the safety measures for your facility. You might also consider having third-party trainers come from a professional training company to help instruct your personnel in the proper use of your machines. 

When your employees are using your rotating equipment safely and correctly, it minimizes wear and tear on the machines, lessening maintenance requirements and helping you get the best return on that investment.

Trust the Right Company for Your Rotary Equipment Needs

You can trust Industrial Electrical Company to meet rotary machine needs such as electric motor installation and repair, but our capabilities don’t stop there. We genuinely care about you and your business, and we want to see you succeed. With service options ranging from electrical motor service to industrial training to welder and generator services, we’re here to help you meet all your equipment maintenance, installation and safety needs with our turnkey electrical solutions.

With Industrial Electrical Company, you’ll know your machines are in the best hands, and we offer industrial training services to empower your crew to keep your investments running safely and efficiently. Start creating a safer, better future for your team and business by reaching out to Industrial Electrical today. 

How to Properly Maintain Your Rotating Equipment

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Our motor shop is located right in the Central Valley and can complete any job from total welding services to custom modifications. To learn more about our services, classes and products, contact us online today.

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